In Services, select Address bar and turn on the Show me search and site suggestions using my typed characters setting. To enable sending data to your default search provider, navigate to edge://settings/privacy. The typed characters and search queries are not sent to Microsoft unless your search provider is Bing. The signal tells the provider to prepare suggestions. When you select the address bar, a signal is sent to your default search provider. Your IP address and cookies are sent to your default search provider to increase the relevance of the search results. Other autosuggest service identifiers are sent to your default search engine to complete the search suggestions. It helps Bing understand the search query and query session. If your search provider is Bing, a resettable identifier unique to your browser is sent with the data. This information, along with which suggestion you select, position of selection, and other address bar data is sent to your default search provider. The address bar categorizes entries as a URL, search, or unknown. The search provider returns suggested search queries. To speed up browsing and searching, characters you type into the address bar are sent to your default search provider. Suggestions come from your favorites, browsing history, previous searches, and default search provider. By default, the address bar provides search and site suggestions using the characters you type. The address bar allows you to enter website URLs and search the web.

Retention times vary depending on the feature or service and may change over time. Your data is kept for the minimum amount of time. Microsoft practices data collection minimization. This whitepaper also discusses features and services that exist in the product today, but subject to change in the future. Parts of the document may include features or experiences that are not available for all users. This whitepaper focuses on the desktop version of Microsoft Edge. The pages are only viewable in Microsoft Edge. To go to the pages, type the bolded text directly into the Microsoft Edge address bar. The shortcuts URLs start with edge:// such as edge://favorites and edge://settings/privacy. This document provides links to navigate to Microsoft Edge settings and other pages. After reading this document, you will have the information needed to make the right privacy decisions for you. The goal of the Microsoft Edge team is to give you a full understanding of how your data is used, how to control the different features, and how to manage your collected data.

It explains how Microsoft Edge features and services work and how each may affect your privacy. To uphold commitments to give you transparency into Microsoft products, the Microsoft Edge team provides this privacy whitepaper. Our browser privacy promise is to provide you with the protection, transparency, control, and respect you deserve.